Robert Rendzio


Mr. Rendzio entered the US Army in 1972 retiring in 1993 having obtained over 5,000 hours in both rotary and fixed wing. He is rated in helicopters with significant experience in various military rotorcraft as well as experience in commercial helicopters. During his service with the US Army he specialized in aviation safety culminating his career at the prestigious US Army Safety Center. Mr. Rendzio distinguished himself as an expert in halogenated fire extinguishment technology and was considered an expert in wire strikes. Mr. Rendzio has conducted analyses of various systems to include wire detection systems, turbine engines, Hughes 269 tail boom failures, UH-60 stabilator failure analyses, and lightning strikes. He has also provided flight data recorder (FDR) analysis for selected UH-60 mishaps.

Mr. Rendzio is president of a safety consulting company (Safety Research Corporation of America) that employs 15 personnel that provides Systems Safety Engineering support to programs within the US Army and provides safety support to several clients.

Mr. Rendzio has supported aviation safety compliance of DCMA 8210.1 for various contractor operations overseas and has developed Crew Resource Management (CRM) Programs for aviation entities.  Mr. Rendzio was appointed as a voting member to the Rotorcraft Occupant Protection Working Group (ROPWG) supporting the FAA's ARAC, is the President of the Southeast Regional Chapter for ISASI, and is a former IS-BAO auditor under IBAC. 


Published on February 14th, 2019Last updated on April 11th, 2023