System Safety Certificate


The USC Aviation Safety and Security Program now offers a certificate program in System Safety.  This is a newly created certificate designed to address the needs of engineers and project managers with responsibilities for system safety.  The principle method of system safety analysis and the extension of this program plan are taught in the flagship class of the certificate program — System Safety.  The emphasis is on complex, high technology programs.

The three courses: System Safety (SSC), Software Safety (SFT), and Human Error Analysis for System Safety (HEASS) form the three core courses of the System Safety Certificate Program.  Additionally, in order to complete the requirements of the System Safety Certificate, two short elective courses or one long elective course are necessary.

There is a 7-year time limit for completion of the certificate program.

  1. Three required core courses:
    System Safety (SSC)
    Software Safety (SFT)
    Human Error Analysis for System Safety (HEASS)
  2. One of the following system safety electives:
    System Safety Damage & Injury Assessment & Mitigation (DIAM)
    Advanced System Safety Analysis (ADVSS)
    Advanced Software Safety (ADVSFT)
    Artificial Intelligence System Safety (AISYS)

* Note: SSC is a prerequisite for ADVSS. SFT is a prerequisite for ADVSFT.

Published on June 21st, 2017Last updated on April 6th, 2023