Incident Investigation/Analysis (IIA)
Course Description
The investigation of incidents has assumed a predominate role in creating safety within an organization. Incident investigation can yield great benefits in the identification of hazards. This course now integrates a full day lab session, highlighting the practical aspects of incident investigation. The course presents the principles of Human Factors, Management, Investigation and Analysis. It is realized that very few people will investigate a major accident but all supervisors will investigate incidents and make recommendations. It will provide you with the why incidents occur. It will explain how incidents are discovered, investigated, and reported in writing. Finally, the student will learn the techniques of data collection and analysis.
Objectives: To provide concepts and practical knowledge to be used in incident investigation and trend analysis programs.
Who Should Attend: Supervisors who will investigate incidents, part time safety advisors, Quality Assurance, and ATC supervisors. This a good course for personnel responsible for the data analysis program.
Course Outline
- Investigations
- Basics for Incident Investigation
- Reporting Criteria
- Reporting Methods
- Investigation Techniques
- Analysis
- Root Cause Analysis Techniques
- Safety Risk Management
- The Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FEMA) Process
- An Overview of Data Programs (FOQA)
- Report Writing
- Recommendations
- Safety Management System Integration Concepts
- Implementation
- Organizational Management, Accountability, and Responsibilities
- Human Factors
- Stress
- Fatigue
- Decision Making
- Human Reliability and Error Analysis
- Judgement Chain
- Attitude
- Behavior
- SHEL Models, HFACs
- Case Study Practical Exercise at Lab
CEU: 3.2
Course Duration: 4.5 Days
Tuition: $3,100 (July 2024 - June 2025); $TBD (July 2025 - June 2026)