System Safety (SSC)

Course Description

The course is based upon the principles and processes described in Military Standard 882-E. All phases of the System Safety process are addressed. Instruction is given in both system safety engineering and management with emphasis on complex, high technology systems.  Engineering methods are illustrated with practical, numerical examples.  The principal system safety analysis method is taught with classroom and homework problems.  Preparation of a system safety program plan and management of the system safety process in all phases of the system life are examined in depth.  A classroom project provides students with the opportunity to apply system safety management and engineering methods while working as a team.  Enrichment lectures in special areas of knowledge essential to the system safety process will also be presented.  Each student should bring a calculator with statistical functions.

Objectives: To provide a level of knowledge of system safety sufficient to manage a system safety program and to perform associated system safety engineering tasks.

Who Should Attend: Individuals who have safety responsibilities in the design and operation of complex systems in which an accident can cause substantial loss. Emphasis is upon military projects and contracts.

SSC 25-1
SSC 25-2
SSC 26-1
03-12 DEC 2024
08-17 Apr 2025
07-16 Oct 2025

Course Outline

Prerequisite:  Attendees should have an engineering or hard science background.

CEU: 5.6

Course Duration:  8.0 Days

Tuition: $4,125 (July 2024 - June 2025); $TBD (July 2025 - June 2026)

  1. Quantitative Methods
    • System Safety Fundamentals
    • Set/Probability Theories
    • Series/Parallel Networks
    • Fault Tree Analysis
    • Event Tree Approach
    • Boolean Algebra
    • Failure Data Analysis
    • Decision Theory
    • Risk Ranking

  2. Management
    • Military Standard 882-E
    • System and System Safety Life Cycle
    • Hazard Analysis Techniques including
      • Logic/Change Analysis
      • Energy/Trace
      • FHA/FMECA
      • FTA
    • Hazard Analysis Types including PHA/SSHA, SHA and O & SHA
    • System Safety Order of Precedence
    • Mitigation
    • System Safety Management Tasks
    • Objectives/Life Cycles
    • Definitions
    • System Safety Program Plan
    • Types of Risks/Assumption of Risks

Published on June 1st, 2017

Last updated on June 6th, 2024